
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easy Steps To Keeping A Clean Macaw Cage

Macaws are... messy to say the least. It seems almost impossible to keep a truly spotless macaw cage. But that doesn't mean there aren't a few tips and tricks that can help you keep your macaw cage a little tidier.

Photo credit to the The Oasis Sanctuary.
Click their name to learn more about this great rescue!

Change Food and Water Every Day: It sounds simple right? But changing your food and water every day is an easy, simple way to keep those dishes clean. Simply wipe them out with a wet rag and then dry them with some paper towels before refilling them. This will prevent old food from rotting and grime from sticking to the sides. It takes two seconds but makes a huge difference.

Remove Chewed Toys and Perches: Macaws are master chewers. And this means all of your toys, perches, and ladders will at some point in time be rendered useless. If that perch has been chewed in half, or that toy has been hanging there for a week in shreds- it's time to throw them away. Sometimes it can be so tempting to keep those things in the cage, but it's much more sanitary to throw them out and give your little bird something new.

Wipe Down Bars: Once a week take a damp cloth and wipe down the bars of your bird cage. This will prevent feces from sticking to the sides, dust from collecting, and overall give the cage a very newish appearance.

Change Bottom Out Once A Week: Every week take a moment to change out the paper in the bottom of your bird's cage. Most cages have an easy slide-out tray. Simply remove it, throw away the droppings, wipe it down with a warm cloth, and place new paper on top. Takes a few minutes, but saves it from getting stinky over time.

Be an Interior Designer: Change up your birds cage! By rearranging perches, ladders, and toys you give yourself inspiration to throw out older items, place in newer items, and wipe down dirty items. It's a fun way of cleaning your birds cage- not to mention it will keep your macaw wildly entertained.

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